Philosophical Failures of Christian Apologetics

These are the scripts to accompany my 11-part YouTube series. I explore a number of popular arguments for God's existence and then explain how they fail to provide a compelling case. I also offer a number of supplementary insights into the psychology of religious apologists in which I show how Christian philosophy itself is inherently manipulative and dishonest.

I also periodically write supplementary essays that specifically tackle various doctrines of Christian theology.

At some point, I'd like to assemble a collection of official essays in response to a philosophical tradition known as Classical Theism. In time, they will likely get converted into a series of video essays. For now, these are just my initial impressions after investigating the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Your series made me rethink my believes! thank you for putting the effort and compiling such a good collection of well put, well thought videos. You changed my life for the better, thank you very much!
